Prof. Shouji USUDA
Hosei University Graduate School, Japan
Shouji USUDA, Doctor of Eng. Project, is a Professor & Research fellow in the Hosei University Graduate School, Japan. His specialized field are in
electric and electronic engineering, measurement engineering, development and application of experimental and educational teaching materials.
His research field are in development study of lithium ion battery;
solid-state battery application research; development and application study of lithium ion capacitor; LED application and LED lighting, LED photocatalyst, photocatalytic air purification system; and
promote incentive research and joint development with companies. He is the author of numerous articles. In addition, he is an IEEE Senior Member.
Development of New Solid-State Battery with
Gelatinized Electrolyte Containing Lithium Salt
------Utilizing Lithium-ion Battery Manufacturing Technology and 5quipment--------
Abstract: As a common environment for electricity throughout the world, electricity is consumed most during
the cooling season in mid-summer. Until now, the conventional wisdom was that electricity could not
be stored, and it was necessary to build power generation facilities that could supply the maximum
amount of power in midsummer.
As a result, in Japan, the power environment becomes overcapacity in the spring and fall, and not even
half of the power generation capacity is in operation at any given time.
The concept of a smart grid is as follows
(1) Connecting the demand and supply of electricity like the Internet.
(2) Provide power generation facilities near where electricity is needed (solar power generation, wind
power generation, etc. are desirable).
(3) Storing electricity when there is a surplus and discharging it when there is a shortage. In other
words, the power is stored when there is a surplus and discharged when there is a shortage.
Rechargeable batteries play this role. Among these, lithium-ion batteries are expected to be the most
In these circumstances, lithium batteries are expected to have high capacity. In recent years, compact,
lightweight, high-capacity solid-state batteries that can be installed in electric vehicles have been
developed, and as an extension of these batteries, their application to smart grids in electricity demand
is desired.
In my keynote presentation, an overview of the development of solid-state batteries at the laboratory
level will be presented. We have attempted to gel the flame-prone electrolyte built into conventional
lithium-ion batteries, and have developed a gel solid-state battery with certain performance.
Reference figure: Gelation of electrolyte (no leakage even when the beaker is tilted).
Prof. Hartmut Hinz
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Germany
H. Hinz received the diploma degree in electrical engineering from the University of Applied Sciences, Aachen and the Ruhr University, Bochum in Germany in the years 1990 and 1994 respectively. He received the Ph.D. degree from the Technical University, Darmstadt in Germany in 2000. From 1999 to 2009, he was with General Motors fuel cell activities. As project leader, he was responsible for the development of high-voltage systems of fuel cell hybrid vehicles (GMT800, Hy-wire, Sequel, Chevrolet Equinox Fuel Cell). In 2009 he was appointed as a Professor for power electronics at the University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt in Germany. He is the head of the Renewable Energy Master's program and the Electrical Power Engineering Bachelor's program in the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering. From 2010 to 2016, he was a visiting professor at the Vietnamese-German University in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. In recent years, he has been active as a conference chair, program chair, and reviewer at numerous international conferences. He is a member of the MDPI energies reviewer board. His research interests are in the areas power electronics for electric vehicles and renewable energy; electrical energy storage and distributed power generation.